Modeshift National Travel Awards
Dear School STARS Lead
I am delighted to let you know that your school has been shortlisted for the Modeshift STARS National School Travel Awards 2023. This is because your school has achieved one of our top levels of Modeshift STARS accreditation in the 2022/23 academic year, and this is being recognised.
To begin the process, we would like to invite you and your pupils to join us at one of our online Modeshift STARS School of the Region Awards events. The event for your school will be taking place on 8th Nov 2023.
We won Local authority school of the year 2023!
I just wanted to let you know that your school have achieved the highest level of accreditation for your travel plan. Many congratulations on maintaining this as it takes a lot of work I know!
Mrs Michelle Downes Headteacher at Barnabas Oley said:
We are so proud to be awarded platinum in recognition for all our work on sustainable travel, educating our pupils on active travel and the impact on them, and their environment. The whole school community is involved in the project and over the last few years it has been great to work together and build on our success year on year. Maintaining the highest level of accreditation requires dedication and commitment from our whole school community and we are proud of our children and their families who have helped our school achieve this award.
Congratulations on getting platinum again 2022 and on being a super STARS school!
Congratulations you did it! Your school is now Platinum!!
Cambridgeshire’s Award Winning School Travel STARS
Congratulations to all the schools in Cambridgeshire who have received awards for their school travel plans this term! 54 schools received national Modeshift STARS awards. Huge thanks to the wonderful school travel champions, without you this success would not be possible!
Two Cambridgeshire schools received the highest level of award, Platinum for of all their work. We were so proud of them, especially as they were the first schools ever to gain this level. Big shout out to All Saints Interchurch Academy and Barnabas Oley CofE Primary School for this fantastic achievement.
2018: We are national winners!
Cambridge Evening News Press Release 2018
On 24th April 2018, Mrs Smith, Mrs Whinney and two Year 5 Junior Travel Ambassadors attended the Modeshift National Travel Awards ceremony at the Houses of Parliament, where it was announced that our school was the winner for National Primary School of the Year!
This was a wonderful surprise! We were presented with a trophy, certificate and banner to show off back at school!
National Winners - How Did We Do It?
Our school was recognised as the National STARS School of the Year for our efforts to increase levels of walking, cycling and other forms of sustainable transport for the journey to school.
Barnabas Oley C of E Primary School, Cambridgeshire
East of England STARS Primary School of the Region
The School Travel Plan Champion Mrs Smith and the Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTA's) have worked together to create a safer environment for walking and scooting to school. This was a challenge as the school is in a conservation area and a rural location. There is very little infrastructure to support walking, scooting or cycling to school. Therefore Mrs Smith and the JTA's focussed their efforts in improving facilities and training to encourage walking and scooting as cycling to school is not practicable for many pupils. Walking levels have increased from 38.2% to 55.0% between the 2014/15 and 2016/17 academic years. Park and Stride has increased from 6.1% to 22.1% in the same period. Car usage has fallen from 44.3% to 9.3%. (Modeshift 2018 Report).
What is Modeshift STARS?
"Modeshift STARS (Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools) is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.
The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people." See also