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We are very proud of our school which is jointly run by the Diocese of Ely and Cambridgeshire Local Authority.

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Latest School, PTA Events

Travelling Book Fair02Oct2024

@ Under the covered way by the Hall

Premier Multi-sports - Y1-607Oct2024

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm @ School Grounds/Hall

Please collect your child from under the covered way by Maple class

Y5 Careers Convention08Oct2024

@ Manor Farm, Bourne

Netball Club - Y4/5/608Oct2024

3:20 pm - 4:20 pm @ School Grounds/Hall

I am delighted to say that I will be running the after school Netball Club starting on Tuesday 1st October (date change) in preparation for a tournament at Comberton Village College on Thursday 17th October. The club is open to boys and girls in year 4, 5 & 6 and is free to attend. Your child will need to wear their PE kit and if the weather is wet we will work on our skills in the school hall. There will only be three sessions this year as we have a Parent Consultation Evening on 22nd October and the clocks will have changed by the time we get back from half term. The staging will also be going up in the hall ready for Christmas Play rehearsals. The club will start back again in February 2025 in preparation for a tournament in early March. An invitation to sign up again will be sent out in the New Year.

ACRO and Gymnastics Club - Y1-609Oct2024

3:20 pm - 4:20 pm @ School Hall

Please collect your child from under the covered way by Maple class

PTA Annual General Meeting09Oct2024

8:00 pm - 9:30 pm @ School

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