Curriculum Policies


Name of Curriculum Policy Version Date Next
Assessment Policy
2.3 04/2022 04/2025
Attendance Policy (inc Children with health needs who cannot attend school)
2.2 05/2021 05/2024
Bereavement Policy 1.1 05/2022 05/2025
Class Organisation Policy 2.2 05/2022 05/2025
Collective Worship and Assemblies Policy 4.1 06/2022 06/2025
Curriculum Policy 3.4 10/2021 10/2024
Display Policy 3.0 11/2021 11/2024
Drugs Policy 2.1 05/2020 06/2023
Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 4.1 06/2024 06/2025

Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy

1.0 05/2024 05/2025
Educational Visits Policy 3.1 10/2021 10/2024
Extra Curricular Clubs Policy 2.2 02/2022 02/2025
Governor Visits Policy 4.3 11/2023 11/2024
Home School Agreement 2023-2024 03/2023 09/2024
Homework Policy 2.1 10/2022 10/2025
Marking Policy 2.3 06/2022 06/2024
Lunchtime Supervision Policy 2.3 10/2021 10/2024
Mobile Phone Policy 1.0 05/2024 05/2027
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Policy
1.2 04/2022 04/2025
Monitoring and Evaluation Policy 2.6 10/2021 10/2022
More Able and Talented Policy 2.1 01/2019 01/2022
Parent & Community Partnership Policy 2.4 10/2021 10/2024
PSHCE Policy 1.0 10/2021 10/2022
Physical Activity Policy
2.2 04/2022 04/2025
Physical Education Policy 3.4 10/2022 10/2025
Public Sector Equality Duty Policy 2.8 10/2023 10/2024
Religious Education Policy 3.4 11/2023 11/2026
Reports to Parents Policy 2.2 03/2022 03/2025
School Food Policy 1.4 11/2021 11/2024
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy inc. Information Report
5.5 06/2024 06/2025
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy 2.9 06/2023 10/2024
Teaching and Learning Policy 1.3 04/2023 06/2026
Uniform Policy 1.0 05/2024 05/2025