Welcome to Maple Class

Years 1 and 2 

Mrs Emma Saul

Mrs Saul

Teaching Assistant 


Miss McDonald

Teaching Assistant 


What's our topic this term?

Pupil resources:

 Autumn 1 homework 2024.docDownload
 Information for Maple class autumn 2024.docDownload
 Meet the teacher evening 2024.pptDownload
 Pirates Topic Web 2024.docDownload
 Spelling bee words_all year groups.pdfDownload
 Weekly timetable.docxDownload
 Year 1 Term 1A Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Term 1A Overview.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

History Day - November 2022

Our Class Blog


Summer 2024

Sports Day

History and Geography afternoon

Life Bus

Skipping Week

Spring 2024

World Book Day

Science Week

Maths Swap

Parent afternoon

Autumn 2023

Christmas 2023

Trip to Wimpole Farm - October 2023

Spring 2023


Maple Class Assembly

Red Nose Day

PE in Maple Class

Year 1 maths


World Book Day

Scott Polar Research Institute lesson - February 2023

RE in Maple Class

Autumn Term 2022

See our gallery of photos from History Day

Spring Term 2022

Easter fun!

PE with students from Long Road Sixth Form


In our textiles lessons we have tie-dyed t-shirts and made marks on them using fabric pens, crayons and pastels.  We are also doing some weaving.

Autumn Term 2021


The photos show children sketching using viewfinders.


Autumn and Harvest Festival

Summer Term 2021

Stibbington trip - June 2021

Woodland walk - April 2021

Spring Term 2021

Red Nose Day - 19 March 2021

Science Week

Making Parachutes

Fashion Show

Making bubbles!

More Science Week photos

Autumn Term 2020

Christmas 2020

Pirate Day - October 2020

Spring Term 2020

We have been enjoying learning about communication and we all wrote a letter to someone who lives in a different part of the country. The highlight had to be walking to the post office to post of our letters, we are eagerly awaiting the replies.
Part of our topic is learning to ask and answer questions and everyday we have a question of the day. We have had some very varied answers to our questions so far.
We have been enjoying weaving and learnt to weave outside using the school gates to practice first before using a loom in the classroom.

Comments from children in Maple Class:

"Why is your stamp different to mine, I hope that our letters get there quickly”

"Your envelope is very neat"

"The postman has to be able to read the address or they won’t be able to post it"

"I hope I can reach the post box hole"

"Let’s look to see what time they come and get the letters out"

"What is the postcode? Mine is PE, do you think they do lots of PE there?"

"Keep going over, under, over under"

"Wow look at the pattern we are making."

"Let’s find some leaves to put in, that looks fantastic"

Maple Class Assembly - 19 March 2020

Pupils performed their song, dance and prayers for the other classes today...

Autumn Term 2019

Christmas 2019


In Maple Class we have been looking at different materials and their properties. We needed to use everything that we had been learning to help us to sort out a problem. Ted wanted to go in the garden but it was raining and he was going to get wet.
The question that we were trying to answer was - What material would be the best to use to make an umbrella? We looked at different materials and tried to predict what would be the best. Testing the material was challenging as it was hard not to let too much water come out! We decided to count to 50 to see if the water would come through it not, it was important that poor Ted did not get wet.

We had to test the different materials carefully, I thought that the tin foil was the best. MC

The feather was very interesting because it stopped the bear getting wet. It would not make a good umbrella because it is too delicate and would break. FC

It was really great using the pipette but hard to make sure that only ten drops went on the bear. CC

I thought that the plastic would work best but it was too bendy and the foil was better. The newspaper was rubbish and poor Ted got really wet. LP

I tried to keep the test fair by using the same bear and the same number of water drips. GD

Space Place Learning

Outdoor Learning

Book Buddies

Maple Class pupils proudly show off their minibeast creations!


ScootSmart training is Cambridgeshire County Council’s scheme for all Cambridgeshire primary schools and aims to improve basic scooter riding and maintenance skills and increase children’s awareness of safety while scooting, reminding them of the need to be aware of pedestrians, driveways etc. The scheme encourages confident scooter use and supports scooting as a mode of travel to school as well as a healthy recreational activity.


Blue Merit Challenge - Tennis Festival Write-Up

Blue Merit Challenge - Topic Write-Up

Spring Term 2019

Design and Technology Day

On Wednesday 13th February 2019, everyone in KS1 enjoyed a DT day. We started by looking at how people and animals travel in cold places. We researched using books and the internet and soon the ideas were flowing. Two different sledges were compared and tested, a discussion about the similarities and differences soon started to give ideas about the type of vehicles we could design. Everyone had brought a soft toy passenger to school and was keen to ensure they were safe and warm during their travels across the ice.

“My bear will need a seat belt, so he doesn’t fall out when he hits a bump” - Stan

“I have designed a warm and cosy blanket so it won’t get cold” - Mazie

After lunch we began the task of making and evaluating our models. The classes were mixed and the children encouraged to talk through the process with their friends. The older children helped the younger ones and soon everyone had made a vehicle.

“It was hard to cut the cardboard, but we worked together” - Joseph

“I held the string and then Grace cut it carefully, she got the tape and I put it on” - Emily

The testing part was fun and the teddies enjoyed their ride across the carpet and then the playground. After several repairs and adaptations to design everyone compared their designs and evaluated the making process thinking how they could develop and improve their designs.

Our Sledge Designs

Space Place Fun

We have enjoyed exploring in the space place. There have been many expeditions to dress up for and then pack, mostly to cold places with lots of layers! We have been painting and drawing polar animals and making penguin finger puppets. Careful weighing of oats and pasta have helped us become more confident reading scales and following simple recipes.

Autumn Term 2018

This term we have been looking at, describing and testing different materials. Exploring different materials and sorting them into groups before comparing their properties! Consider what it would be like if the tables were made of jelly or the chairs were chocolate! Then recreate the story of the three little pigs and predict what will happen to their houses. Set up an experiment to test materials for absorbency.

  • We enjoyed sorting materials into magnetic and non-magnetic. Sia and Clara
  • I enjoy talking about what we have found out and putting the things in different groups. Going outside to test things was great fun. Nelly 
  • I really loved testing materials with water and a teat pipette to see if teddy would get wet. Mazie
  • I liked experimenting with water to see if paper, leaves and rocks were absorbent. Oskar


This term we have been using the apples from the school grounds to make apple crumble and apple sauce. It was tricky to peel and chop the apples, luckily Mrs Saul showed how to use a knife and a peeler.

KS1 Trip to Oxburgh Hall

Photos from our trip to Norfolk can be viewed on the Special Events Photo Gallery page.

Pupil Recounts

On Wednesday we got all the people in our group. When we had done that we went to get on the coach. We were all going to Oxburgh Hall. On the bus I sat next to Annabelle it took an hour and a half and I was very excited.

When we got there we had a snack then we put our bags on a table in the tent and we went in the castle. One of the activities was looking at old things in a basket, they were very interesting. We had a picnic lunch. After lunch we went in the Priest hole. My favourite part was the priest hole, it was exciting going inside. We went home on the bus everyone was very tired.

by Clara

Our Previous Work

Our World - Spring 2018

We are investigating the World around us.  We are thinking about the local environment, British wildlife and maps.  We are making models of our own homes and thinking about habitats.

We are reading and writing imaginative poems and stories about hedgehogs and owls.  In Art/DT we are we are investigating texture and textiles.  We are weaving, dyeing and mark-making on fabric. 

Our Learning

Book Week

We have all been enjoying reading lots of different books in Book Week.

The Space Place

There are lots of different activities to try in the Space Place, we all really love working together to make different models and try new things.

Cooking in Maple Class

Every Wednesday, Mrs Saul will be cooking with a group of children. We have enjoyed using some apples from the school trees in our recipes this term.

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