Religious Education at our school


At Barnabas Oley, we follow the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus, it forms the legal basis for Religious Education.

At EYFS we investigate Christianity and other religions or belief systems represented in the school and local area. At KS1 and KS2, we explore Understanding Christianity for the majority of the year, with school designed units on another World Religion and a time of reflection with Spirited Arts. 

Each Key Stage builds on the one before. Christianity is studied in all Key Stages. By the end of KS2 all major religions and a secular world view have been studied. We offer a rolling programme to avoid repetition. Understanding Christianity themes are studied in a two year rolling programme and other World Religions in a four year cycle. The Cambridgeshire unit on Vellore is also covered once in KS2. 

Please see below the RE Curriculum Plans and topics for all key stages.

 Foundation & Key Stage 1 RE Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Key Stage 2 RE Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Other World Religions Rollling Programme.pdfDownload
 Holly Class RE - KAC.docxDownload
 Maple Class RE - KAC.docxDownload
 Willow Class RE KAC - pupil.docxDownload
 Cedar Class RE KAC - pupil.docxDownload
 Silver Birch Class RE KAC - pupil.docxDownload
 Blank End of Unit Assessment Tracker.docxDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

Curriculum statement for the teaching and learning of RE

At Barnabas Oley Primary School, we are committed to providing our children with a curriculum which has a clear intention, is implemented to the highest standards and impacts positively upon their learning outcomes.

Read our Curriculum Statement - March 2021.

RE statement of entitlement for church schools (2019)

View Statement of Entitlement for Church Schools from the diocese - May 2021

Further School Information


Collective Worship

Spirited Arts

RE Challenge - Spring 2020

Coming out of her RE lesson yesterday, a pupil from Willow class said, "My brain was working as hard as it probably could!"  At Barnabas Oley this is what we love to hear!  Here are some RE Challenge Cards designed to really get you thinking.  They are all very puzzling but I have colour-coded them to show which I think are the trickiest.  The amber ones are tricky, the green ones are trickier and the purple ones perhaps the trickiest of all.  I definitely don't have all the answers!  Please choose the ones you find interesting and have a go.  Answers can be presented however you choose.  Feel free to discuss the questions with friends and family.  See the example below. There will be house points on offer for great thinking and we would love to share some of your ideas on this website.  

RE Challenge Example

RE Challenge Card Example

RE Challenge - Wisdom by Spencer Keeling - Cedar Class

Wonder Walks

We are making more space for reflection and prayer by going on "Wonder Walks" around Great Gransden. Willow Class produced some wonderful prayers of thanks and beautiful artwork inspired by their walk. See the Willow Class blog on their class page.

Class Learning

Spring 2018 - What did Jesus do to save human beings?

Students in Cedar and Silver Birch are investigating the significance of the last week of Jesus' life.  We have discussed who might have been responsible for Jesus' death and why Christians might see Jesus' death as a sacrifice.  Students were given the chance to reflect on their own lives.  They were invited to write or draw something that they felt sorry or worried about.  We then shredded these pieces of paper and thought about why some people might find this kind of exercise helpful.  Some children commented that this was a way to "get rid of" your worries and turn them to "dust". 

"When I shredded my paper, I felt my worry was gone like I didn't need to worry about my worry any more."

A Jewish Visitor

On 11 January 2017, we had a Jewish visitor come to Silver Birch and Cedar.  He was called Mr Gee.  He was young and wore a skull cap. He told us about his skull cap which male Jews wear all through the day to connect the heart and head. He brought in his prayer shawl that he wears when he goes to synagogue to pray. He also showed us his tefillin which are small black boxes that contain the most important Jewish prayer – the Shema. It was very interesting to learn about Jewish customs from a Jew. (Charlie Lake – Cedar Year 5)

The children asked some very thoughtful questions such as:

  • Is Anne Frank your hero?
  • What was it like growing up in a Christian country?
  • Are your family offended by Hitler?
  • What is your favourite festival?
Wearing the tefillin, kippah and prayer shawl
Wearing the tefillin, kippah and prayer shawl

SACRE Annual Reports

SACRE is the Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education.

The Council is responsible for advising local authorities on RE and Collective Worship. Please see the Cambridgeshire SACRE Annual Reports below:

SACRE Annual Report 2015-16

SACRE Annual Report 2014-15

SACRE Annual Report 2013-14

Useful Links

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