Welcome to Willow Class

Years 2 and 3

Mrs Brigid Collett - Deputy Head and Willow Class teacher

Mrs Collett

Class Teacher
Deputy Headteacher

English Subject Leader

Mrs Laud - Willow Class (PPA)

Mrs Laud

Class Teacher (PPA)

History Subject Leader

Geography Subject Leader

Mr Farrer

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Miller

Teaching Assistant



Mrs Kim Dorsett - Willow Class (PPA)

Ms Ostler

Class Teacher (PPA)

Mrs Cain

Teaching Assistant



Mrs Knights

Teaching Assistant

What's our topic this term?

Pupil resources:

 Stone age topic web for website.pdfDownload
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Willow Class outing to the new Sand Road housing development - June 2021

Class blog

Autumn Term 2024

On Monday 21st October Willow Class enjoyed going back in time to the Stone Age! Throughout the day, we created a cave from modroc and painted it so it looked like cave paintings, we carved into soap and clay, used a needle and wool to weave and finally we made small clay pots.

All of the children learnt new and interesting skills on this day. A fantastic day was had by all. 

Autumn term 2022

Tudor day

See also our History page


Making Tudor houses

Tudor style book binding

Summer term 2021

Our trip to Stibbington - June 2021:

Spring term 2021

Pop-up work

During the Spring term 2021, while the school was only open to essential workers' children, Willow Class had an Art/DT/Geography project to create a pop-up page linked to the topic of Rivers and Oceans.

Each week the children learnt a new type of pop-up until the final weeks of the first half term when they used all their new knowledge to create an information page. In the early stages of the term the children learnt techniques such as the v-fold, two types of internal stands and then the spiral. Examples of these are seen in the individual pictures in this section.

For the final page the children had to consider a particular part of the Rivers and Oceans topic which interested them and to do some research to gain information. Their new knowledge was then incorporated into their page and hidden behind different kinds of pop-up or slide out methods.

The children really enjoyed these challenges and have produced some lovely work. This section also includes some videos of some of the finished pieces. Well done to those both at home and in school.

Pop-up video 1

Pop-up video 2

Pop-up work
 Gergely's spiral pop up.docxDownload
 Pop up Ryan.docxDownload
 Spiral pop up - related to Vivaldi Ethan.docxDownload
 Spiral pop-up by Harry P.docxDownload
 William pop-up.docxDownload
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Powerpoint Projects - The River Nile

As part of our topic on Rivers and Oceans the children in Willow Class created their own PowerPoint presentations all about the River Nile. The majority of the children had not used the program before and so experimented with their designs and transitions. We decided that we felt that design was really important and to be effective when adding transitions less is often better! Please look at these examples and see what you think.

 The Nile WH.pptxDownload
 The River Nile CS.pptxDownload
 The River Nile HP.pptxDownload
 THE RIVER NILE JS.pptxDownload
 The River Nile TF.pptxDownload
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Autumn Term 2020

Invaders and Pirates

Saxon day - November 2020

Autumn Term 2019

Food and Farming

We had a lovely Autumn Term, we were lucky enough to go to two different farm settings and learn about how they work. We had a wonderful day at Wood Farm in Waresley, it was sunny and we were able to walk there from school.

While we were there we learnt about farming chickens. We saw them out in the fields, we saw them in their barn, we learnt about how their food helps them to make the shells for the eggs they lay. We were all fascinated by the different size of the eggs and especially liked the bizarre look of ‘jelly’ eggs which are laid in a hurry and don’t have a formed shell.

In the afternoon we went to see the special equipment which the farm has developed. It is a ‘concrete cow’ and it ‘eats’ maize and converts it into electricity! The farm is now really quite eco-friendly and has worked with other local farms to create a bee ‘flight-path’ with the edges of the fields being set aside for bee friendly flowers.

Everyone was tired when they got back from our trip to Wood Farm but we had a great time and learnt lots. Later in the term we went to visit Tetworth Farm Estate. We learnt all about the types of food which they grow and their machinery. Mr Price was impressed by the knowledge we had about rotating crops and he taught us how to make the most of the land. He explained about the eco ways that the estate trims the hedges on a rotation system so that the birds can continue to build their nests.

There were other exciting things to do at the end of term when we all joined in with the KS2 play. The play was about the Olympics and our class started the whole thing off with an opening ceremony. We sang and danced throughout the performance and we all really enjoyed ourselves.

By the end of the term we were all very tired but we knew we had learnt a lot and been very busy.

Farm Visit to Tetworth Estate

Programming - Using Scratch

Spring Term 2019

Spring Term 2019

January to February 2019

January to February 2019

Autumn 2018

 Willow Class blog for the first half term of autumn 2018.pdfDownload
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Wonder Walk

On Wednesday 14 November, Willow Class went on a Wonder Walk.  We walked out of school, down Fox Street, across the field and then explored the lane leading back to school.  We discovered so many wonderful things.

We hope you enjoy our prayers.  Perhaps you will be inspired to go on your own Wonder Walk.

Ms Ostler and Willow Class

Dear God

Thank you for the opportunity to go out and enjoy the lovely weather.

Thank you for the beautiful world that thatchers have created with thatched roofs.

We are glad that animals have homes and we have homes too.

Thank you for an amazing imagination to see the world in a creative way.

Thank you for the monster trees and some monster bushes and sticks.

Thank you for these amazing plants.

Thank you for making oxygen so we can breathe.

Thank you for us!


Thank you for us being able to just look at things

because seeing all those lovely trees and plants and just looking

at them is like being in another world.



Thank you for letting us go out for the afternoon

so that we can see trees in a different way and

we can respect nature in the way we should.



This is our display of the prayers of thanks and artwork inspired by our wonder walk.
This is our display of the prayers of thanks and artwork inspired by our wonder walk.

Our Previous Work - 2017-18

This term we are looking at Space. We have already started learning about the different planets by editing resources and using our own words to create paragraphs. We have been trying to learn the order of the planets in our Solar System by using mnemonics.

In art we are using different paints and techniques to create landscapes. In science we are investigating how light travels and how shadows are formed.

One of our favourite subjects at this early stage in the term is Spanish.